My Classroom Website

Welcome Parents, Students, and Guardians to Miss Pikalova'swelcome back Fifth Grade Classroom!

I am so excited to have your children as my students this upcoming year. I know that together as a team we will do a lot of challenging yet fun activities throughout our curriculum. Using this website you fill found out more about these activities as well as the content we will be learning about in our classroom. This website will be updated on a regular basis. Each time our class begins a new unit in a subject, that unit will be displayed on the website. Also you will find important updates, a class schedule, classroom rules and consequences, information about our classroom pet, and much more.

Please do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail or by calling the school. You can also stop by the classroom after school. I encourage you to contact me with any questions or comments that may arise, and will provide continuing feedback on your child's progress throughout the year. I look forward to an enriching year for all of us.





 School Phone Number: (708) 666-6666